Live Your Best Life
Expert Advice & In-Depth Features For A Healthy Life
4 in 1 TINTED MOISTURIZER – Break up with Makeup

Pro Tips on How To Avoid Maskne
MASKNE IS REAL. HERE’S WHAT TO DO ABOUT THOSE PESKY CHIN PIMPLES Like it or loathe it (and in the heat of summer, it tends to be the latter), wearing a mask is the new normal. While wearing a mask to protect oneself has long been a common practice in some countries,...

Cleanse, Restore, Protect – an idea that can apply to every part of your life
Cleanse Restore Protect This mantra could really be applied to every part of our lives. What is the first thing you think of when you hear the phrase "Cleanse, Restore, Protect"? Your Body, Inside and Out Your Family Your House...

Top 6 Common Skin Care Mistakes (That Everyone Makes!)
Beauty enthusiasts know so much about skincare, and enjoy reading and learning even more about it to avoid making the common skin care mistakes. From ingredients to new products to hacks, tips and techniques, there’s so much content available and a multitude of...

How Stress Affects Skin and What to Do About It

Are You Fighting Disease Or Feeding It
An important perspective! When you eat are you fighting disease or feeding it?

An important perspective! When you eat are you fighting disease or feeding it?

Green Beans
Love green beans! Always enjoy finding new ways to serve them.

Pineapple Love
This is a refreshing change for iced tea! Especially for pineapple lovers, like me!

Corn And Black Bean Chopped Salad
One of those perfect summer meals! So versatile, this salad can be a meal or a side. Simple the way it is, sometimes I will add avocado and chick peas; or sliced chicken to turn it into a full meal. Substitute the tomatoes for fresh diced and use different dressings...
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Visit Valiant Financial’s website to begin planning your Financial Life. Start with our Online Will Preparation and Document Storage offerings. And visit our pages on Facebook and Instagram for more insights into how to manage your money.
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