
Finding Balance

Expert Advice and In-Depth Lifestyle Features


Empathy is the experience of understanding another person's condition from their perspective. You place yourself in their shoes and feel what they are feeling. Treat others with respect and kindness, we all know how it feels to be treated badly, to be judged and we...

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A Journey

A Journey

It is a journey. No one is ahead of you or behind you. You are not more advanced or less enlightened. You are exactly where you need to be. It's not a contest... It's life. We are all teachers and we are all students. ~ Carol Grant @

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Blame and Criticism

Blame and Criticism

When you blame and criticize others, you are avoiding some truth about yourself. ~ Deepak Chopra Some say that when you don't like something about another person it's because you subconsciously recognize a trait that you don't like in yourself.  Before you criticize...

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Such a beautiful read.

Such a beautiful read.

Such a beautiful read. Please share and I hope it brings peace to some. It does for me. I’d like to first start by telling you, how proud I am of you. You have overcome so much in such a short period of time. The person you are today is the person I always knew you...

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